Menai High School is a large modern comprehensive high school serving the Menai, Alfords Point and Illawong areas in Sydney's Sutherland Shire.
The operation of the school is underpinned by the following beliefs and values: The welfare of each individual is the responsibility of every member of the school community; every member of the school community has a life long right and responsibility to learn and to strive for personal excellence; and the school and community work in partnership for their mutual benefit.
The school prides itself on the wide range of subjects and quality of teaching offered to students, a caring approach to student welfare, innovative approaches to learning and the use of technology in learning. An active school council, parents and citizens association, and experienced committed staff support whole school initiatives in literacy, technology and vocational education. Cooperative team leadership, strong welfare strategies and comprehensive training and development programs for staff and students underpin school and individual achievement.
Menai High was established in 1988 with a unique design to complement its natural environment and suit the broader needs of our young community. Our two ovals are shared with local sporting organizations, and the school hall, incorporating an indoor basketball court, performance stage and multi-media projection system, has provided a home for many community groups.
With its own farm, Menai High is able to offer unique learning experiences that reflect the area's rural background. The fully carpeted classrooms, superbly resourced library and highly versatile lecture theatre and performance space are the envy of many local high schools. Friendly and efficient customer service is provided in a modern, central office environment
Over the years the school has responded to the needs of its students with the addition of an array of outstanding facilities, often with the assistance and financial support of our highly committed and enthusiastic Parents and Citizens Association.
Five computer laboratories, the library, office and staff rooms are now served by over 200 networked computers. Interactive whiteboards and a wireless network for laptop access greatly enhance our online learning opportunities. Within the library a senior study and a fully equipped and staffed Independent Learning Centre have been established.
Drama, dance and music studios provide excellent facilities in the performing arts, along with a sound recording studio and video editing facilites. An accredited marine laboratory, industrial standard kitchens, a large automotive workshop and fully equipped fitness centre offer specialized learning experiences for a wide range of interests.
More recently, extensive facilities catering for the needs of disabled students have been established, including ramps and air-conditioning in a number of areas in the school. 'Ann's Place', an outdoor, tiered learning space and native garden, has also been developed to enhance learning opportunities.