Menai High is a modern, superbly equipped, comprehensive school located in a peaceful bushland setting.
Our dedicated and highly experienced teachers ensure that all students are inspired to reach their full potential in a supportive and nuturing environment.
With an impressively diverse curriculum, a wealth of sporting opportunities and exciting extracurricular experiences, Menai High can provide a pathway to success for all of the young adults of our community.
Approximately 30% of the school population has a language background other than English and approximately 6% of students have English as their second language.
For more information about studying at DE Schools visit DE International
Homestay opportunities
Homestay opportunity – register as a homestay and enjoy the fantastic experience of hosting an international student.
Homestay hosts often report in testimonials on the many benefits of being a host family. These include positive cultural exchange experiences for all family members and friends as well as establishing caring and ongoing friendships with students from all over the world.
Each year there are International students who enrol at Menai High School to complete their secondary education. they all need a family to be their homestay family for the duration of their stay in Australia. It would be wonderful if Menai High School families could take part in this experience.